You don’t need to be licensed in order to be a member of SIPC.  In fact, becoming a member of a pistol club is one of the legal prerequisites to obtaining your handgun licence.  Joining SIPC not only full-fills your legal obligation, but also gives you access to everything you need when obtaining your licence.  This includes training, club firearms, a licensed shooting range, licensed Range Officers, registered competitions, assistance in dealing with Qld Weapons Licencing and the Police.

There are several types of membership available at SIPC, and although we’re primarily a pistol club, not all entitle you to use a pistol.  For example we have specific memberships for Cat AB licences, that is long-arms such as rifle and shotgun.  Cat AB memberships are cheaper, but they only entitle you to use firearms specific to your respective membership type.

If you want to join SIPC for handgun, then you’ll need to be a full member.  Full membership entitles you to use Cat AB, and H.  If your not licensed for a particular firearm category, then we can provide you with the means to obtaining your respective licence.  Membership types are:

MembershipFirearm CategoriesDescriptionRequirementsAnnual Fee
FullA,B, and HPremium membership which entitles you to all firearms categories.Current firearms licence (any category) or current Letter of Eligibility from Qld Police.$444
AB OnlyA and BAccess to shoot only category A and B firearms.Current Cat AB licence or Photo ID.$182
AB Only (5 years)A and BAccess to shoot only category A and B firearms.Current Cat AB licence or Photo ID.$525(5 years)
PensionerA,B, and HPremium membership which entitles you to all firearms categories.Current firearms licence (any category) or current Letter of Eligibility from Qld Police. Must hold a current Pensioner Card. Note a Seniors Card does not qualify.$296
Junior A,B and HPremium membership which entitles you to all firearms categories.Current firearms licence (any category) or current Letter of Eligibility from Qld Police. Person aged 11-17.$296
Family A,B and HPremium membership which entitles you to all firearms categories.Current firearms licence (any category) or current Letter of Eligibility from Qld Police. All family members must live at the same address.$667

Any membership which entitles you to use handguns requires one of either two things before we can legally accept your membership application.

  1. A current firearms licence.  This can be for any category.
  2. A Letter of Eligibility from Qld Police.  This is available from Queensland Weapons Licensing.  Complete the form, and submit it at any Qld Police Station.  Upon approval, you will issued with a letter from Police.

Once you have obtained your Letter of Eligibility, you will need to complete a Membership Application form for SIPC, which also must include 2 references (back page of application) from people you have known for at least 2 years.

Upon receiving your application and payment, the SIPC Management Committee will either approve or decline your application.  Any applications which are not approved will be fully refunded.

Click here to download Membership Application form.